If you know Wisconsin, you definitely recognize UW Madison's mascot, Bucky Badger. Just to the right of Bucky is our mascot at Hickory Hill Academy, Harry the Highlander. Take it from Bucky, Harry is pretty awesome!

Harry the Highlander’s purpose is to inspire the world with a bold lens of compassion. Every single thing Harry does is rooted by compassion, which allows those he impacts to thrive in a safe and supportive environment.
Harry’s zeal for a compassionate life is reflected in his bold, outgoing, and friendly personality. While eager to live life to the fullest, Harry is rooted in his belief to keep the main thing, the main thing: being humble, empathetic, welcoming, honest, and confident. Harry desires HHA students to be leaders that model HHA's "LEADERS" acronym : L - Listen, E - Empathy, A - Accepting, D - Disciplined, E - Ethical, R - Respectful, S - Selfless

Every Monday morning at HHA, we meet together as a school and community for a school assembly we like to call Community Circle. While we do fun things together such as morning stretch and joke of the day, we also take this time to intentionally build HHA culture. On the first Community Circle of this school year, students volunteered to answer different questions centering around our vision at HHA.
What is our vision statement?
What does cultivating mean?
What does compassion mean to you?
What is a leader?
It was a humbling moment to hear these students answer the questions, because their young hearts and minds are grasping it! They are understanding what HHA's vision is and how they fit into that - not only here at school but also into their community!
At HHA we want every student and every member of the HHA community (staff, parents, grandparents, etc.) to feel safe, loved, and cared for in a way that brings about joy and excitement for growth and learning!
Keep your eye out for Harry around Madison and the surrounding areas! He will be out and about sharing WHO he is and the vision he embodies and reflects!
If you are curious to learn more about our school inquire today to talk with someone from Admissions or schedule a tour!